Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

Grenada Citizenship by Investment

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program was launched in 2013 and has since become a popular option among those seeking a second citizenship and passport in a timely manner. This program is unique among the Citizenship-by-Investment programs, as it is the only country in the world, at present, that has both a citizenship by investment program and a bilateral investment treaty with the United States that permits citizens of Grenada to apply for the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa. This allows citizens of Grenada to be admitted to the United States when investing a substantial amount of capital in a U.S. business. Certain employees of such a person or of a qualifying organization may also be eligible for this classification.

The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program allows applicants to invest in real estate, other projects, or the National Development Fund, and become citizens of Grenada with no residency requirement. Citizenship is granted in 2-3 months, and passports may be quickly obtained thereafter. Dependent children 30 years and under may also be included.

About Grenada

Grenada is a Caribbean country comprising a main island, also called Grenada, and 6 smaller surrounding islands. Dubbed the “Spice Isle” for its myriad of locally grown spices, the main island is home to numerous nutmeg plantations. It’s also the site of the capital, St. George’s, whose colourful homes, Georgian buildings and early-18th-century Fort George overlook narrow Carenage Harbour. To the south is Grand Anse Beach, home to its luxury resorts, restaurants and bars.

Grenada offers one of the most picturesque waterfronts in all the Caribbean. The sublime scenery, diving, sailing, excellent restaurants, fabulous beaches, and a calendar of unforgettable festivities have fortified Grenada’s status as the preferred destination of many high net worth investors.

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship

  • Citizenship is in a British Commonwealth country.

  • Application processing within 3 – 4 months.

  • Inclusion of dependent children 30 and under.

  • Inclusion of dependent parents or grandparents.

  • Inclusion of siblings who are at least 18 years of age, single and have no children.

  • Access to the USA E-2 Visa Program.

  • Right to pass on citizenship to future generations.

  • Visa-free access to more than 130 countries including the United Kingdom, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Russia.

  • Grenada recognizes Dual Citizenship and does not require people to renounce their current citizenship.

  • Having a second citizenship may allow children to avoid military service in their home country.

  • A low tax regime, safeguarding citizens from inheritance, gift, and capital gains tax, as well as non-resident citizens from wealth and foreign income tax.

  • Off-shore bank accounts, investments, and companies give unique opportunities for business and tax planning.

  • No management experience requirement, no education requirement, no interview, and no language requirement.

Qualifications for Grenada Citizenship

To qualify under the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program, the following criteria must be met:

  • The principal applicant must be at least 18 years old.

  • To qualify as dependents, children must be unmarried, under age 30, and fully supported by the applicant.

  • Parents or grandparents of the principal applicant or spouse may qualify as dependents if they live with the principal applicant, and can prove financial dependency on the principal applicant.

  • Siblings of the principal applicant or spouse may qualify as dependents if they are at least 18 years of age, single and have no children.

  • Applicants must pass a Due Diligence examination and have no criminal record.

  • Applicants must complete a medical examination.

  • Applicants must make a qualifying investment in Grenada as described below.

Investment Options

Applicants must make one of the following qualifying investments in Grenada:

  • A non-refundable contribution to the National Transformation Fund (NTF) or

  • Single Applicant: USD $150,000
  • Family of 4 or less: USD $200,000
  • Each Additional Dependent: USD $25,000
  • USD $350,000 in a Government-approved real estate project